June 4, 2011


Well I added a link to my website (look to the right), now its in super early stages and I've only put maybe an hour and a bit of actual work into it. Three hours if you count the time I've spent reviewing php, html and learning css. I kept reading about "JavaScript" and how awesome it is for stuff. Honestly, for a simple site that is mostly just meant to show off some of my work, I really could care less at this point for anything fancy. It is just a simple way for me to distribute Java applications and having the user not need to do anything.

If I ever want to get fancy the option is there for me. However, in the mean time, I say it would be more useful to actually spend my time working on the applet itself. Rather than make some nice website without any real content. So far, the site just has a few little things, nothing much with any effort put into it. I'll worry about it as time goes on.

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